Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 16, Issue 2

Delta-K Volume 16 Issue 2

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 16 Issue 2, December 1976

Our MCATA conference in Red Deer was a surely a success from every method of measurement. The attendance was high, with many at both the Friday and Saturday sessions. The low point was the number of people leaving after the luncheon rather than taking advantage of the excellent afternoon speakers. The program was one of the most complete available with respect to variety and/or meeting the needs of the teachers in attendance. All the speakers were very well received and very highly spoken of by attendants at the sessions as they gathered together after each session.

The motel service was obviously very good as the committee received only compliments, rather than complaints. Our display group was at its best in giving good counseling service on how and where to use the materials available, rather than emphasizing the high pressure commercial sell often shown by publishers and distributors. Our dinner speaker was entertaining while getting across the point that we need more effective teaching of communications in Math and in everyday life. We have intentionally not commented on the content of Frank Ebos’ excellent keynote speech. He has written an article on his theme which is enclosed, and only your presence at the meeting to see Frank in action could add to the impact of the message, as the printed page can never catch Frank’s enthusiasm or the effectiveness of using what he has offered.

The questionnaire enclosed in the September issue will be reported on in February, as returned questionnaires will not arrive in time to meet our deadline for submission of material.

We wish to acknowledge the fact that delays in the printing room at Barnett House have made the September issue late, resulting in partially stale news, since our conference was the week before you received your letter. This delay has also left a Monograph still undelivered at the time of writing but hopefully not at the time of reading.

Ed Carriger

1 – 2

Thoughts from the Editor’s Desk

Ed Carriger


Some Reactions to ICME – Karlsruhe

Tom Kieren


Oh Those Positive Whole Numbers!

Howard Larson

5 – 8

Are We Shortchanging Our Students? or Back to Basics? New Basics? or Old Basics?

Frank Ebos

9 – 11

Ideas for the Primary Class

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher

12 – 13

Ideas for the Intermediate Class

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher

14 – 18

Ideas for the Junior High Class

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher


Ideas for the Senior High Class

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher


Metric Ideas

The Manitoba Mathematics Teacher


Back Matter

23 – 24

Mathematics Talks For High Schools

Mathematics Department, University of Alberta

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