Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 13, Issue 4

Delta-K Volume 13 Issue 4

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 13 Issue 4, June 1974

Important Notice

The Executive Committee recommends the following constitutional changes to the membership. These recommendations will be voted on at the annual meeting, October 25 and 26, in Jasper.

  1. It is recommended that the II Reporting” cl a use be changed to read: “This council shall submit annually a written report of its activities and an audited financial statement to The Alberta Teachers’ Association by October l of each year. The activities reported shall be for the preceding year.”
  2. It is recommended that the “Executive CoJTTTiittee’ definition be changed to read: “The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, one member from the Faculty of Education from a university in Alberta, one member from the Department of Mathematics of a university in Alberta, one member from the Department of Education, the editor of the newsletter and six directors to be appointed by the officers from the following: editor of the monograph, the chairmen of committees, the presidents of regional councils, members at large, provided that each university representative be appointed for a two-year term and also that the two university representatives not be from the same university and provided that the directors be appointed to ensure that the executive committee includes at least two representatives of each of elementary, junior high and senior high school teachers.”

In addition, the Executive Committee recommends a change in the fee structure, as follows –

Regular membership $6
Subscription $6
Student membership $3

Ed Carriger


Important Notice

Ed Carriger


Nominations for l974-75 MCATA Executive

Editor Ed Carriger


A Letter From the Editor of Monograph No. 3

Dr. Allen Neufeld

4 – 10

1974 Alberta High School Prize Examination

Department of Mathematics, University of Alberta


The Metric System: Effects on Teaching Mathematics

Eugene P. Smith

12 – 16

Stretch Your Sketching Skill

Wayne J.P. Turley

17 – 24


Prepared by George lmmerzeel and Don Wiederanders

25 – 28


Robert E. Reys



Editor Ed Carriger

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