Delta-K,  Full Issue,  Volume 10, Issue 3

Delta-K Volume 10 Issue 3

Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Volume 10 Issue 3, May 1971


l. Catalog of Lesson Aids, available from B.C. Teachers’ Federation Lesson Aids Service, 105 – 2235 Burrard Street, Vancouver 9, contains several items of interest to mathematics teachers, at very low cost. We suggest that you order this catalog.

2. Mathematics Materials, available from Western Educational Activities Ltd., 10577 – 97 Street, Edmonton 17, is an excellent source of books, games and other aids. The prices are competitive.

3. FREE, upon request to MCATA members, $1.00 to non-members: An Active Learning Unit on Real Numbers, by Dale N. Fisher – 158 pages of activities especially designed to cover all of the mathematical concepts outlined in the unit “Introduction to Real Numbers” in the Program of Studies for junior high schools of Alberta. This document was prepared especially for junior high, but both elementary and senior high school mathematics teachers wi ll find some of the activities appropriate. Address your request to Mr. T. F. Rieger, The Alberta Teachers’ Association, 11010 – 142 Street, Edmonton 50.

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The Editor is interested in the properties of the “number” i^i . Is it real? Complex? What about i^-1? Which of the two is larger? Perhaps some mathematician who receives this publication can shed some light on the questions suggested. The Editor will welcome papers on the subject.

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Readers are again reminded that letters to the Editor are welcome anytime.

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Your President, Mr. Jim Kean, attended the NCTM Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California, on your behalf, during the Easter vacation. We hope to include a report of that meeting in the next issue of “Delta-K”.

Murray R. Falk

1 – 2

About Our New Name

Editor Murray R. Falk


From the Editor’s Desk

Murray R. Falk


Report on the NCTM Winnipeg Meeting

Edwin R. Olsen

5 – 9

Contemporary Mathematics and its Mathematicians

William J. Bruce (Editor)

10 – 12

Letters to the Editor

W. A. D. Burns, J. D. OVIATT, G. J. Krivy

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