Feature Articles,  Monograph,  No. 10,  Publications

Chapter 6 – “Why Are We Doing This?”: Reporting Back on Mathematical Investigations

Monograph No. 10

Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication in the MATHEMATICS CLASSROOM

October 1992

Publication of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association

43 – 56

Chapter 6 – “Why Are We Doing This?”: Reporting Back on Mathematical Investigations

David Pimm

This chapter demonstrates how research and practice can together offer teachers the best in guidance and understanding of what is happening when students learn mathematics. It also offers a glimpse of how distinctions made linguistically can lead to insights into what it means to know mathematics as well as to ways in which to enhance mathematical understanding in the classroom.

David Pimm considers the following a significant difficulty facing all mathematics teachers:

How to encourage movement in their students from sole use of the predominantly informal spoken language with which they are fluent. . . toa range of language modes and styles including the formal written language that is frequently perceived to be one hallmark of successful mathematical study.