Monograph,  No. 11,  Publications,  Teaching Ideas

Activities for Shape & Space Strand – Three-Dimensional & Two-Dimensional Shapes

Monograph No. 11 (Mislabeled)

Making Math Make Sense in the Primary Classroom

February 2000

Publication of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association

Editor A. Craig Loewen

49 – 53

Activities for Shape & Space Strand – Three-Dimensional & Two-Dimensional Shapes

Explore faces, vertices and edges of 3-D objects.

Identify, name and describe specific 3-D objects as cubes, spheres, cones, cylinders, pyramids.

Build a skeleton of a 3-D object, and describe how the skeleton relates to the object.

Build and re-arrange a pattern using a set of 2-D shapes.

Match and make identical (congruent) 2-D shapes.