Newsletter,  Volume 29, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Laptop

Wow, it is hard to believe another school year is just around the corner. With each new year comes the chance to set goals, try new things and develop our skills. Each fall I look forward to determining which area of my teaching I am going to further develop—or even, perhaps, delve into for the first time. Along with this I must decide on my goals for my teacher professional growth plan, and how I can achieve them through professional development. There are many options for professional development through professional learning communities, regional consortia, school boards and, of course, ATA specialist councils.

I encourage each of you to attend MCATA Conference 2011, “Looking for the Road Less Travelled,” at the River Cree Resort and Casino, Enoch, Alberta, on October 21 and 22, 2011. This is an amazing opportunity to listen to fabulous speakers, network with colleagues and delve deeper into the world of teaching mathematics. If you are not yet an MCATA member, go to the ATA website (, log in, and select Tools and Specialist Council Membership from the menu on the right.

Until next time, happy learning!

Tancy Lazar

President’s Message

Marj Farris

From the Editor’s Laptop

Tancy Lazar

Math Contests

33rd Annual Edmonton Junior High Math Contest 2011

2011 Calgary and District 35th Junior High School Mathematics Contest — May 4, 2011

Alberta High School Mathematics Competition

Do the Math! 2011 Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

Alberta Education

The Seven Mathematical Processes — Connections

Webpage Updates

Critical Information for Students in Applied and Pure Mathematics 30

Assessment Standards

Information on the New Diploma Examinations for Mathematics 30-1 and 30-2

Digital Field Tests for Current Diploma Examinations

MCATA Conference 2011

MCATA Fall Symposium

MCATA Grants

Save the Date

TERM Meetings

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