Newsletter,  Volume 28, Number 2

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Laptop

Happy New Year! I hope this newsletter finds you well rested after a well-deserved winter break. It is hard to believe we have already been back in the classroom for four months, yet when reflecting upon those four months I realize how busy we teachers are at all times. September is the time for getting to know your students and getting routines in place. October finds you busy planning, marking, and trying to meet the needs of all your students and balance a life outside of work. November brings report cards and December is, of course, busy both in and out of school with winter holidays, concerts and the like. Along with the usual hustle and bustle of every fall, mathematics educators also have the opportunity to participate in the MCATA conference, which is held in October each year.

This year one of my personal goals was to present sessions at two different conferences. As a fifth-year teacher, I decided it was time to step out of my comfort zone and share my passion for mathematics in the classroom with other teachers, both beginning and experienced. To this end, I presented on behalf of MCATA at the Beginning Teachers’ Conference in Calgary this past fall and also put on a session at the MCATA conference in October. I am pleased to say I survived both experiences! One thing I learned is the fulfillment that comes from sharing some of your best ideas with colleagues. There is no reason to be scared, because we are all looking for new and exciting ideas to take into our classroom to meet the needs of the diverse student population we deal with every day. It doesn’t just benefit other teachers when you present-you also benefit from the dialogue that happens in your sessions and the ideas that others share that build from what you presented.

I encourage all of you to consider how you might share your ideas with others in the profession. You don’t have to present at a conference. It could be as informal as walking down the hallway at your school to discuss with another teacher the amazing lesson you just taught. Seek out new teachers who need mentors, experienced teachers who want to change their practice or a friend who is as excited as you are about the new curriculum. If you want to step out of your comfort zone, I encourage you to submit a speaker proposal for the next MCATA conference, “The Joy is in the Journey,” to be held in Calgary in October 2010. The information and proposal form can be found on the MCATA website at Until next time, happy sharing!

Tancy Lazar

President’s Message

Marj Farris

From the Editor’s Laptop

Tancy Lazar

2010 MCATA Conference

The Joy is in the Journey

Putting Real Learning First

Carol Henderson

Highlights from Executive Meetings

September 2009

November 2009

Awards and Grants

Friends of MCATA 2009

Math Educator of the Year Awards

Dr Arthur Jorgenson Chair Award

New Executive Members

Jennifer Baerg

Alberta Education

Alberta Education The Revised Mathematics Grades 10-12 Program of Studies

Learner Assessment

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