Newsletter,  Volume 27, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Laptop

As I near the end of another school year, I often find myself reflecting on what new things I’ve tried this year as an educator and how I feel they have worked. This year my reflection is not only on my classroom responsibilities but also on my role as MCATA newsletter editor. This has truly been a year of learning for me. I implemented the new mathematics curriculum with my Grade 2 students, had the chance to try out some of the new resources and spent a lot more time in conversation with my colleagues as well as my students about using personal strategies to solve problems. I feel there is still so much to learn as I engage in this new curriculum, so I look forward to the opportunities
I have for professional development, particularly in the upcoming MCATA conference in October. I encourage each and every MCATA member to take the opportunity presented and attend the conference. There is so much to discuss with your fellow educators regarding implementing this new curriculum.

You may have noticed that I have changed the title of this column. As I reflected on my role with MCATA, I felt that it was time for an update. I have spent the year encouraging my students to be specific in their explanations and to use precise language. We have talked about choosing the best words so that people can really picture and understand how they thought while solving the problem. As I reflected on the name of my column for MCATA I realized that I was painting a picture that was not wholly accurate when it came to where this column originated. As a 21st-century teacher I rarely compose any piece of writing using a pencil. When I am required to write anything of length, I sit at my laptop, open a Word document and begin to type. Therefore I have decided that as the end of one year approaches and I begin to determine what changes to make for next year, I am beginning with this simple yet important change. I wish you all a happy reflection on your year and a wonderful, well-deserved summer break.

Tancy Lazar

President’s Message

Sharon Gach

From the Editor’s Laptop

Tancy Lazar

Alberta Education

The Revised High School Program of Studies

Implementation of Kindergarten to Grade 9

Diploma Examination Working Groups and Field Tests

Fall Conference Announcement

Edmonton Junior High Mathematics Contest

Robert Wong

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