Newsletter,  Volume 21, Number 1

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Pencil

As we head off into another exciting year, I look forward to receiving items from you that you think are pertinent to teaching math today. We are all experts in our own way and sharing with each other through this newsletter allows us to keep in touch with what is happening around the province. As a classroom teacher myself, I know how short our time is, especially if we want to have lives outside school. However, if you have found something that you think would interest your colleagues, or if you have done something to tum students on to math, a short note is all I need. The Dialogue column in the last volume was a great connection that I particularly enjoyed reading. Let’s get a dialogue going again.

This year’s MCATA Conference will be held in Canmore at the end of October. Past conferences have been rewarding, informative and fun, and this one promises to be at least as good and maybe even better. always good to have our ideas challenged, especially if it is causes us to reflect on our practice and achieve clarity about why and how we do things in our classrooms. As well as being a great place to connect with others, the venue in Canmore is wonderful and there will be lots to see and do after hours. For more information, check our website at See you in Canmore!

If you have any questions or comments about this

Anne MacQuarrie

President’s Message

Sandra Unrau

2003 Canadian Regional NCTM/MCATA Conference: Call for Speakers

Sandra Unrau

From the Editor’s Laptop

Anne MacQuarrie

Alberta Learning Update


Learner Assessment Branch

Learning Technologies Branch

New for Back to School: Mathematics Resources from

Multimedia Applied Mathematics Project

High School Mathematics Discovery Applets

Mathematics 14

Online Elementary Mathematics Resource: Mathematics 6

The Learning Equation (TLE)11 — Pure Mathematics 20

NCTM Bookstore in Canmore

Calgary Junior High Math Contest

Sandra Unrau

MCATA Executive 2002/03

Summit in Canmore

Annual Conference

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