Newsletter,  Volume 20, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor’s Pencil

After reading last issue’s “Dialogue” section, I began to look at the way I teach number sentences in my Grade 2/3 class and to focus more diligently on what the manipulation of the numerals means to the children. I have tried substituting letters for the numerals to see if they are able to make the connections, and, believe it or not, most of them are! Hopefully, by the time they get to Indy’s classes at Mount Royal, manipulation of variables won’t be an issue for them!

Be sure to visit the KfA Educational Trust Website at services/ awards/trust.html for complete information about the trust and its awards programs, including a list of the 150 project reports available from the ATA library. Bursary application forms can be downloaded from the site.

Anne MacQuarrie

President’s Message

Sandra Unrau

From the Editor’s Laptop

Anne MacQuarrie


Sites for Students

Powers of Ten

The Ultimate Puzzle Site

Sites for Teachers


Consortia Math

Elizabeth Donovan

Dr. Art Jorgensen Chair Award

Leadership in Mathematics Education: Getting to Know The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics

MCATA Grants


Integer Addition and Subtraction Using Number Lines

Christine Lee

Math Requirements Update

2002 MCATA Annual Conference

Canmore, October 31-November 2, 2002

AISI Projects?

Alberta Learning Update

Symposium On Mathematical Understanding

Florence Glanfield

Dear Mathematics Education Leader

Sandra Unrau

Mathematics Leaders’ Spring Symposium

Focus: Mathematical Literacy

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