Newsletter,  Volume 19, Number 1

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

Now that’s commitment! Art Jorgensen has been our newsletter editor for as long as I can remember. Over the years, he has selected current, interesting material for Alberta math teachers to read. His style was newsy with short, fast-­paced sentences and a conversational tone. Always keeping in mind the interests and limited time of the reader, Art’s newsletters were informative, accurate and, most of all, enjoyable.

Art, a special thanks for all that you have done for MCATA and a challenge to continue your involvement with the Council go out to you. We look forward to seeing you at the symposium, hearing you speak at our annual conferences and reading your articles in delta-K and the newsletter. Your legacy is great – I have a tough act to follow.

Cynthia Ballheim

From the Editor

Cynthia Ballheim

Poster Contest Winners

Lorraine Taylor

From the President’s Pen

Sandra Unrau

MCATA Annual Conference

Graham Keogh

$500 Grants

Deborah Constable

Mathematics Leaders’ Symposium

Cynthia Ballheim and Katie Pallos-Haden

How Many Are We?

Daryl Chichak

Spinning Mathematics’ Web

And Now We Are 20!

Shauna Boyce

Robert Wong

Helen McIntyre

Richard Kopan

Mark Your Calendar

MCATA Executive 2000-2001

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