Newsletter,  Volume 15, Number 1

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

Just a quick welcome to another year of teaching students mathematics. You likely have some exciting plans for the year and we would like to hear about them!

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

From the President’s Pen

George Ditto


Exciting New Tools for Mathematics Education

Elections for NCTM Board of Directors

Richard Kopan

Mathematics Month

MCATA Executive Meeting

Math Contests

Math Challenges

Talking of Humor

John F. Kennedy once said, “Three things in life are real: God, man’s follies and laughter. Since the first two are incomprehensible, we must do the best we can to do the third.”

Teachers’ Task!

To take a lot of live wires and to make sure they are well grounded.

Calendar Math

MCATA Rewards New and Renewing Members

Daryl Chichak

MCATA Executive 1995-96

GrAde Expectations

A Multicultural Handbook for Teachers

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