Newsletter,  Volume 12, Number 5

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

This is the last issue of the Mathematics Council Newsletter as we know it. We are looking for­ward to some interesting changes in September ­many diligent souls are already collecting information for the first issue’s focus “Effective Communication in Mathematics.”

As always, the success of any council’s publication depends on the contribution of the council member­ship. We hope that you and your colleagues will be prepared to contribute articles, successful classroom ideas, interesting thoughts for the day or anything else that could interest our readers. I know you have many worthwhile contributions. Do give it some thought over the summer.

My last editorial stressed the need for continued professional development for each and every one of us. With that in mind, I encourage you to organize a miniconference in your area, attend the NCTM Regional Conference and the Mathematics Council’s annual conference in October and renew your MCATA membership. Also, an NCTM membership provides access to many excellent materials which will make teaching your students mathematics more interesting and enjoyable.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

Have Some Fun

Arithmetic Teacher

The Right Angle

News from Curriculum

News from Student Evaluation

Florence Glanfield

Affiliated-Group Projects


NCTM Canadian Regional Conference

Miniconferences and Resource Fairs

Professional Development

What’s New

Dive In To Math

Exploration in Science Culture 1993

Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School

Women Inventors’ Project


NCTE Position Statement

Become a Referee

NCTM Mailing List

New Communications Handbook

Windows of Opportunity: Mathematics for Students with Special Needs


In the Volume 12, Number 4, April 1994 issue of the Newsletter, the photo on page 3 was not of the MCATA executive members at the Thinkers’ Conference. It was of delegates and presenters attending the Edmonton miniconference on November 8, 1993, at M.E. Lazerte School

Problems from the 1992-93 AHSMC, Part II

Thought for the Day

The best inheritance teachers can give their students is a few precious minutes of their time each day.

Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too tired to worry at night.

Leo Aikman

A Sure-Fire Method for Proving Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

Irving Bateman

MCATA Executive 1993-94

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