Newsletter,  Volume 12, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

I have always contended that children’s early experiences with mathematics will profoundly affect their success with mathematics in later years. The following NCTM position paper speaks eloquently to this topic.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

Early Childhood Mathematics Education


Request for Photos

Bryan Quinn

From the President’s Pen

Wendy Richards


NCTM Canadian Regional Conference

MCATA Executive Profile: Art Jorgensen

Bryan Quinn

The Right Angle

Basic Learning Resources

Authorized Teaching Resource

Florence Glanfield

NCTM’s Annual Meeting

NCTM News Bulletin

A Slice of Life Comes to Math Class

News USA


NCTM Materials

Salute Mathematics During Mathematics Education Month

On the Lighter Side

Math Activities

K to 2 Circus animals

Grades 3 to 5 The logical circus

Grades 6 – 8 Get your tickets

From Arithmetic Teacher

Measuring What Counts

New Mathematics Teaching Resource Available

Try This One!

MCATA Executive 1993-94

Clothes Homework—Make Those Outfits


First Issue of Mathematics and the Middle Grades April 1994

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