Newsletter,  Volume 7, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

A genuine concern of many mathematics educators is the move toward general­ists, particularly at the elementary and middle levels. The attitude among many system administrators is that any teacher can teach children mathematics effec­tively. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that in many elementary or middle schools there may not be one teacher who has·· a major in the· area of mathematics education who could serve as mathematics leader or coordinator is of concern.

In a position paper prepared in 1984, the NCTM makes a good case regarding the need for mathematics leaders. The context of this paper follows.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

Mathematics Leaders in Elementary/Middle Schools


NCTM “Standards” Document

Time Message

Arithmetic Teacher

Pizza Puzzles

Problem Solving in Mathematics

Dates to Remember

Call for Presenters

Call for Manuscripts

NCTM Canadian Regional Conference

“Mathematics: A Bridge to the Future”

Reading and Resource Materials

Motivate Your Students with a New Video Entitled Math You Can Count On It

Number Sense – Arithmetic Teacher

How to Evaluate Progress in Problem Solving by Randall Charles

A Collection of Math Lessons by Marilyn Burns

MCATA Executive, 1989-90

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