Newsletter,  Volume 6, Number 2

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

Happy New Year! As we move into 1988, it is time for all of us to reflect on what our roles will be, not only as teachers, but also as members of the Mathe­matics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA).

I am sure that you are all good teachers and that the education and welfare of your students is uppermost in your minds. But what about your role as members of MCATA? Are you prepared to take an active part, or are you content to pay your annual fee, read some of the literature that is provided and, possibly, attend the annual conference?

If you have not really been an active member, how about making a resolution to become more involved? MCATA needs you as an active participating member. There is much to be done, and the executive can’t do it all.

You might ask, “What can I do?” For starters, why not write to the president, or one of the editors, letting him or her know what you appreciate abo-ut the benefits of being a member of MCATA, or what you don’t like and make recommenda­tions for change? Your suggestions will be appreciated, How about making the MCATA publications available to other teachers who may not be members?

Why not encourage other teachers to become members of MCATA? How about running for a position on the executive, or nominating a fellow teacher who is doing an excellent job? There are many of you out there, and new faces are always welcome.

I know that many of you (and your colleagues) have exciting mathematics activi­ties in your schools. An article, long or short, describing an activity would be a welcome addition to the newsletter or journal, Other teachers would enjoy reading about these activities, and the editors are always wracking their brains for articles.

And, a reminder of the Mathematics Educator of the Year Award, which is pre­sented by MCATA. If you know of someone who is doing a superb job teaching children mathematics, nominate him or her for this prestigious award. Nomina­tions can be sent to the president, Louise Frame, at #36, 2323 Oakmoor Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta T2V 4T2.

If you and a group of fellow teachers would like an inservice on a particular
area of mathematics education, the executive will do everything possible to pro­vide resource personnel. All you have to do is let your president know and get the group together.

These are just a few of the activities that you can pursue as active members. You can likely think of many more. With your help, we can make MCATA the envy of all the councils.

Sure hope to hear from you.

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

What’s New at Alberta Education?

See You There

Breaking New Ground: Education for the Gifted and Talented

Garnet Millar, D. Scott Macdonald and Alok Singh

Using a Hundreds Chart to Count Money

Gloria Hooper

What’s New?

Intervention Programs in Math, Science and Computer Science for Minority and Female Students in Grades 4 to 8

Who’s Who?

Michael Cassidy

Problem Corner

Something for Parents

NCTM Book Cover Name Plates


Joint publication

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