Newsletter,  Volume 5, Number 2

Mathematics Council Newsletter


Francis Somerville and Ritchie Whitehead

NCTM Conference Makes History

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)’s Canadian regional conference was a historic event. It occurred on the 20th anniversary of the first NCTM regional and on the 25th anniversary of the Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA). Seemingly in honor of this occur­rence, the largest crowd ·ever was in attendance. Eager participants lined up for sessions, as Henry Taschuk and his assistants worked to accommodate the rush. What was conference chairperson Joan Worth doing? Smiling.

Although few would believe it, Joan admits to having been “around” for the first NCTM regional in Calgary in 1966, and she is not one to forget. She is quick to acknowledge the contributions throughout the years that have made the MCATA the organization that it is today. She took advantage of the occasion to acknowlege many in attendance for the contributions that they have made. Men­tioned were past presidents Ted Rempel, Dick Daly, Bob Holt, Lyle Pagnucco, George Cathcart, Gary Hill, Al Neufeld, and Marshall Bye. Also mentioned were Bud Arbeau, Pat Dawson, and Francis Somerville for their work with previous NCTM meetings.

MCATA president Bob Michie appeared somewhat nervous as he accepted the 25-year award on behalf of the MCATA. This gave ATA vice-president and fellow teacher Pat Harvey an opportunity to point out that Bob is normally very casual and relaxed, and that the 1,500 in attendance (expected attendance was 800) might have affected his composure. The 25-year award is something that MCATA members can take pride in. The Mathematics Council was one of the first six ATA councils. Its first annual meeting was held in 1962.

The MCATA has also sponsored three previous NCTM meetings. The first, in 1966, was held in Calgary. The second was held in 1973 in Edmonton, and the third took place in Calgary in 1979. Conference chairperson Joan Worth and pro­gram committee chairperson Henry Taschuk can take pride in this year’s confer­ence. It has established new standards of excellence and will certainly be re­membered as a focal point in the history of the council.

Mathematics Educator of the Year

John Percevault of Lethbridge has been named the MCATA “Mathematics Educator of the Year.” The award was presented at the opening session of the NCTM Canadian regional conference October 16, 1986.

John Percevault’s service in mathematics education in Alberta has been exemplary. Percevault began teaching in 1943 at Westard Ho, a one-room school west of Olds. Since then, his teaching has included elementary, junior high, senior high, and university settings. He has filled a variety of administrative positions: vice-principal, principal, superintendent of schools, chairperson of curriculum and instruction, director of summer session and continuing education, and associate dean of education at the University of Lethbridge. Before joining the faculty at the University of Lethbridge, Percevault was the elementary mathematics consultant for Alberta Education Zone 6 in Lethbridge.

Percevault joined the MCATA in 1965 and has served on the executive, with
the exception of one year, since 1972. He was a member of the provincial elementary mathematics curriculum committee for four years, including two years as chairperson. Later, he was on the provincial mathematics curriculum coordinating committee for seven years.

Percevault has presented workshops in many school systems in the province, from Fort McMurray in the north to the County of Warner in the south. He has presented papers in mathematics education at ATA conventions, MCATA conferences, and regional and national conferences. He is well known for his interest in problem solving and thinking.

In addition to being dedicated to furthering mathematics education, Percevault finds time for gardening, fishing, and his family. John is reported to have retired in 1985, but there has been little evidence of this.

Congratulations, John!

Senior High Mathematics Curriculum

Jim Neilsen

Computers in the Classroom

Overheard at the NCTM Conference

Preparation of Mathematics Teachers


“Quest for Quality”

MCATA Executive 1986-87

The Preparation and Continuing Education of Mathematics Teachers in Alberta: A Status Survey and Needs Assessment

Thomas L. Schroeder and M. Louise Frame

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