Newsletter,  Volume 4, Number 3

Mathematics Council Newsletter

In Search of Excellence

It seems to me a “crime” that so much excellence among our fellow educators and among the students whom we teach goes unrecognized and unheralded. If we take time to stop and look about, I am sure that each of us recognizes educators and students who are making outstanding contributions to mathematics education, and who are achieving outstanding grades.

In such other areas of education as English, there seems to have been in place, for a long time, methods by which those who do outstanding work can get some of the recognition they deserve. There are many good-speaking and good-writing competitions enabling those displaying special talents to gain recognition.

Unfortunately, in the area of mathematics these opportunities are not so readily available. It is my considered opinion that, as teachers, we should do more to encourage the development of projects or tests in which our students ean compete.

The Mathematics Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association has made one significant step toward recognizing outstanding mathematics educators in the province by instituting the “Outstanding Mathematics Educator Award.” This award has been given out for the past two years. Hopefully, the availability of this award will encourage all of us to nominate fellow educators whom we consider deserving.

The criteria for the special award, along with a nomination form, are enclosed.

Governments should also be encouraged to recognize outstanding educators and students in the area of mathematics. In the U.S., for example, recognition is given even at the presidential level. Why can’t something similar be done in Canada?

Art Jorgensen

In Search of Excellence

Art Jorgensen

MCATA Conference Report

Gary R. Hill

Thanks to Hank Boer and Committee

Art Jorgensen

A Request from Editor John Percevault

John Percevault

Joan Worth Needs Your Help!

Outstanding Mathematics Educator Named

Joan Worth



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