Newsletter,  Volume 3, Number 2

Mathematics Council Newsletter


A Matter of Survival

As I review the membership of MCATA over the past number of years, I note a disturbing trend, and that is that the total membership is remaining static at best, and possibly falling. In December of 1983 there were only slightly over 600 active members. When one considers the fact that in Alberta schools there are over 25,000 teachers, and likely at least 25 percent of them do teach students mathematics at least part of the time, the membership of MCATA should be larger.

It is my belief that a majority of these teachers are unaware of the benefits of belonging to MCATA. I, therefore, encourage each of you to inform a fellow math teacher of the benefits of belonging. For a mere $15, members get such publications as the annual monograph, delta-K, and the Newsletter. MCATA also organizes an annual conference, with numerous presentations, that should be of interest to all who teach students mathematics. Just think, if each of the current members could convince one fellow teacher to join, MCATA would soon have over 1000 teachers. This I consider to be a realistic objective.

A membership application form is included for your convenience.

By the way, we hope to see you in Red Deer on October 26 and 27 for the 1984 Conference. A copy of 􀀪he Conference highlights and a registration form are also included in this issue of the Newsletter.

Art Jorgensen


Art Jorgensen

Mathematics Council Executive 1984-85

What’s New?

Computational Estimation Materials

The Invisible Filter Kit

Free Family Math Awareness Activities

Estimation and Measurement

Best Buy

“Pick-a-Problem” Games

Energy Use

Scale Drawings

1984 Annual Conference

Mathematics for the 21st Century

Math Magic

Fundamentals of Arithmetic

Fact Search

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