Newsletter,  Volume 2, Number 7

Mathematics Council Newsletter

From the Editor

The executive met in Edmonton on Friday night and Saturday,  March 8 and 9, for the purpose of reviewing the goals and objectives of MCATA, and to establish some long-range plans.

A number of areas were discussed in detail, namely, such issues as membership, services to members, publications, and current issues.

The membership of MCATA has remained static at approximately 600 for the last number of years. It is recognized that this is only a small fraction of the teachers who teach children mathematics. It is also felt that a large proportion of the members are secondary mathematics teachers. Therefore, an objective is to try to appeal more to the primary and elementary teachers, who are often generalists. We would hope that teachers do not feel that they have to be mathematics experts to benefit from belonging to MCATA. A special effort will be made to ensure that publications and conferences will deal with some topics of special interest to these teachers.

To ensure maximum involvement in conferences, it is the plan of the executive to move the conferences among Alberta’s major cities. The 1984 conference is in Red Deer; the 1985 conference in Lethbridge. The 1986 confer­ence is a special NCTM Name the Site11 conference to be held in Edmonton,and the 1987 conference is planned for Calgary.

We recognize the fact that there are large and significant areas that are not particularly well served. In order to better meet the needs of mathematics teachers in such areas as Grande Prairie, Medicine Hat, and Bonny­ville, consideration is being given to the organization of mini-conferences in these areas, if the interest and demand exist.

One of the main issues discussed was that of the diploma exams. Concern was expressed regarding the effects of these exams on the teaching of mathematics. For example, will teachers see as their main goal teach­ing toward the exam?

Art Jorgensen

From the Editor

Art Jorgensen

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Mathematics Council, ATA ANNUAL CONVENTION

News from the Southwest Regional

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MCATA Executive



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