Newsletter,  Volume 1, Number 5

Mathematics Council Newsletter


John Percevault

NCTM 61st Annual Meeting

MCATA president Gary Hill attended the 61st Annual Meeting of NCTM held
in Detroit during the month of April.

Report of Proceedings

On Wednesday, the Canadian Caucus met from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. to go over the day’s agenda and procedures as well as to review the resolutions we would later be debating and voting on.

From 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., all the regional caucuses joined in the 34th Annual Delegate Assembly, at which time we debated/amended 25 resolutions that had been submitted by the various affiliates (14 were passed, 11 defeated). Some of the topics that the resolutions dealt with include the following aspects of mathematics education:

– curriculum
– computers
– shortages of math teachers
– teacher preparation and professional development
– NCTM membership decline

At 2:30 p.m.,the Canadian Caucus reassembled to discuss the services provided by NCTM and ideas for promoting membership in both NCTM and affiliates.

At 3:45 p~m., we adjourned to the NCTM business meeting and open forum.

From 2:00 p.m. Wednesday until 1:00 p.m. Saturday, there were a total of 536 sessions and workshops from which to choose. The topics were numerous and covered all levels of mathematics education, from kindergarten to university.

Membership in NCTM

As you may be aware, the MCATA is an affiliate of the NCTM, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Even though the NCTM head office is located in Reston, Virginia, it is an international organization whose goals are to assist in promoting the interests of mathematics and to vitalize and coordinate the work of local organizations of teachers of mathematics.

The NCTM is a professional organization of teachers dedicated to the
improvement of classroom instruction in mathematics at all levels.  Through its many publications and services, the Council is a foram for the discussion of new developments, a means of sharing innovative classroom experiences and evaluating trends in the teaching of mathematics,

As a member of NCTM, you will receive a monthly issue of either the Arithmetic Teacher or the Mathematics Teacher, both excellent aournals of mathematics education. As well you will receive the bi-monthly NCTMBs News Bulletin. All three of these publications feature easily reproducible student activities.

NCTM members are eligible for a 20 percent discount on literally hundreds of NCTM publications dealing with every aspect of mathematics education at every level, from kindergarten to university.

If you are not already a member, I highly recommend that you complete the application form and mail it directly to NCTM.

Gary Hill

What’s New?

Monograph No. 9: Motivation in School Mathematics

MCATA Executive Named

South West Regional of MCATA

Alberta Education

Mathematics Consultant Retires

Dates for Your Calendar


“Mathematics Their Way” Workshop

MCATA Annual Meeting

Problem Corner

Tenth Mathematics Summer Workshop

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