Lixin Luo
ELL Students’ Set-Befores and Met-Befores in Mathematics
Tom Asquith
Mathematical Thinking: An Argument for Not Defining Your Terms
Shelley Barton
Teaching the Trigonometric Ratios Through Embodiment, Symbolism and Formalism
Christopher Charles
Teaching Mathematics for Understanding: Approaching and Observing
Priscila Dias Correa
Book Announcement: Selected Writings from the Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association: Celebrating 50 years (1962-2012) of delta-K
Edited by Egan J Chernoff & Gladys Sterenberg
Delta-K Volume 52 Issue 1
Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association Volume 52 Issue 1, December 2014 This issue of delta-K showcases writing by teacher educators, mathematicians, and graduate and undergraduate education students. This collection of articles is a reminder of the rich heritage of researching and teaching mathematics that we share in Alberta. Despite challenges related to grading policies and back-to-the-basics movements that have been highlighted in the media recently, teachers are engaged in creating learning opportunities for their students that embrace fluency and conceptual development of mathematics. Ronald Persky provides a glimpse into retention and grading policies at the postsecondary level. These mirror much of the Alberta scene, especially…
Readers’ Responses
Ronald Persky
Seven Pointers for Teaching Mathematics
Marlow Ediger
Mathematical Discourse in the French Immersion Classroom
Lisa Sauder