Nicole Langevin, Miwa A Takeuchi, Jenny Yuen and Shayla Jaques
Culture—a Vital Part of Mathematics
Yvette d’Entremont and Michelle Voillot
How Do You Feel? Using Scribblers in the Math Classroom to Elicit Mathematical and Personal Connections
Josh Markle and Raeesa Shivji
Supporting Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Growth Through Studying the Historical Development of a Mathematics Topic
Giang-Nguyen T Nguyen and Tiffany Marlow
Inspiring Female Mathematicians
Indy Lagu
A Brief Biography of Sophie Germain
Jennifer Kraft
Eugenia Cheng: An Inspiring Mathematician
Mackenzie Ha, Ihn-Ah Jung and Joseline Ortiz Cardenas
The Greatest of All: Female Mathematician Emmy Noether
Shenaé Richards
Mary Everest Boole: Present-Day Uses of Math from the Past
Kaitlyn Neal
Mathemagical Black Holes 1, 153, 370, 371, 407 and Cyclical
Bob Albrecht and George Firedrake