Dorothy Burton, Herman Connolly, Elaine Dufresne, Rod Dyrholm, M.J. Farndale, Patricia Gordon, Merlin Leyshon, Judy Loose, V.M. Moynihan, P.N. Webber
Drama in the Rationals
H. L. Larson
Metrical Fun and Games
Nancy Clegg Buck
Pre-Christmas Attention Getters
J. Crescimbeni
Metric Cooking
Joan Routledge
Math Art for Christmas
Kathleen M. Loudermilk
On the Transformation of Rectangular Regions into Rectangular Regions of Equal Areas
William J. Bruce
Ideas and Manipulatives you can try
Shirley Frye & Francis Somerville
Formulae Chart and Summary of Main Points
D. L. Treslan
On the Russian Peasant Multiplication Algorithm
William J. Bruce