This award was established as the Dr. Arthur Jorgensen Chair Award on September 14-15, 2001 at a meeting of the Executive Committee.

This award is presented by the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA), to encourage students enrolled in education programs in post-secondary institutions throughout Alberta to pursue and commit to mathematics education.
Who Is the Man After Whom this Award Has Been Named?
Dr. Arthur Jorgensen is one of the most celebrated teachers in Alberta. Throughout his career in education, he has worked tirelessly for his profession and the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. Any attempt to capture his achievements and contributions to education and his community is at best an inadequate glimpse into his personal and professional life.
Art’s association with MCATA goes back to 1964. He occupied the position of secretary for many years; served as vice-president for a term; and was the editor of the Newsletter and delta-K, the Council’s journal, separately and simultaneously for many years.
He conducted inservices and workshops to mathematics teachers and made many presentations at the local, provincial, national and international levels. He also drew attention to his work as an administrator; therefore, it was no surprise when the Council on School Administration selected him as the recipient of the 1977 School Administrator of the Year Award.
Art was always involved in the community as a volunteer and member of various community clubs. That involvement earned him the well deserved recognition as “Citizen of the Year” in 1983. That same year, Art was also the recipient of a Life Membership in the Kinsmen Club, which is that club’s highest award.
In 1985, Art retired from active teaching. He was principal of Jubilee Junior High School in Edson for 22 years. Art did not get any well deserved rest with his retirement, but instead continued to be as busy as ever.
He has also continued his extensive involvement in education. He participated in numerous program and school evaluations. He was appointed as the chair of the Blue Ribbon Panel that examined the Mathematics 30 program. This panel came into being in October 1992 and concluded its work in September 1994. He served on the Junior High and Senior High Mathematics Committee for Alberta Education; was part of the CTF Project Overseas, which involved him in numerous assignments overseas in countries like Jamaica in 1986/87, Zimbabwe in1989, Liberia in 1990 and Swaziland in 1991, 1993 and 1994, where he inserviced mathematics teachers and affected the lives of many people in so many ways; he taught education undergraduate students at the University of Lethbridge for four years during the summer in the 1970s and for six years at the Yellowhead Regional Education Consortium in Hinton and Edson; and he even taught as a substitute teacher in Grande Yellowhead schools whenever he was available.
As a result of his work in enhancing the teaching and learning of mathematics, the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association presented Art with the Mathematics Educator of the Year in 1988.
When one asks those who worked with Art what they remember most about him, they will tell you that he
- has a love of math that is very contagious;
- cares about the education and preparation of math teachers;
- is committed, dedicated and passionate about math and the work of MCATA;
- insists that one does not teach mathematics, but rather one teaches students to learn mathematics;
- is well known and respected in the mathematics community;
- spoke with pride and enthusiasm at the teachers’ rally at the legislature and he made that event a source of pride for all of us;
- is proud to be a teacher;
- has high expectations of teachers and the teaching profession; and
- still contributes to every issue of delta-K, the part that I care most about as the current editor of delta-K.
Art cares deeply about children, education and the Alberta Teachers’ Association. He is a man of honor and principles, who sees a need and does not shirk from assuming responsibility in filling that need; a man who works long hours tirelessly to produce the best education for children; a man who stands up for his principles time and again in the face of heavy opposition; a man with a grassroots understanding and strong community ties. In short, he is a man who is well respected in the education community.
In 1991, these qualities and the many contributions to education ultimately led the ATA to select Art as the recipient of the highest ATA award—Honorary Life Membership. In 1996, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation honored Art with its highest award—the Special Recognition Award.
While there are numerous other outstanding achievements in Art’s life, two more are worthy of mentioning. Art has been a member of MCATA for 36 years, most of which he has served on the executive. He has taught for over 50 years, either at school, a university or consortium.
It is with great pride that the executive of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association creates this award in the name of this outstanding educator – Dr. Arthur Jorgensen.
Klaus Puhlmann – February 2002
2021 Recipient:
Brynn Merkosky
2020 Recipient:
Megan McClary
2019 Recipient:
Merrick Fanning
2018 Recipient:
Dale Block
2017 Recipient:
No Recipient
2016 Recipient:
No Recipient
2015 Recipient:
Matthew McDonald
2014 Recipient:
No Recipient
2013 Recipient:
No Recipient
2012 Recipient:
Bernadette McMechan
2011 Recipient:
Paul Bechtold
2010 Recipient:
Karen Viersen
2009 Recipient:
Jennifer Baerg
2008 Recipient:
No Recipient
2007 Recipient:
Thomas Janzen
2006 Recipient:
Nicole Patrie
2005 Recipient:
Rebecca Steel
2004 Recipient:
Lisa Hauk-Meeker
2003 Recipient:
No Recipient
2002 Recipient:
No Recipient